
Saturday, 14 July 2007

It's hot apparently

In London when it approaches and hits 30 degrees, everyone goes mental. It is the only thing to talk about and everyone says 'It's too hot' after a long sigh while sweating profusely. Even the slightest movement causes a person to melt, actually just breathing usually does the trick.

And yet here I didn't think it was extremely hot but after looking at the thermometer.....

The reason is probably due to the fact London is a concrete city and city heat is much 'wetter' making you more uncomfortable and here in the mountains the air is cooler etc. I knew about horrible city heat but I never knew it could be this comfortable in heat that has been recorded by the thermometer. Look what I'm wearing in the house.......

I love these mountain slippers and they are really warm, which is why I should not be wearing them! One stereotype that I think many foreigners have of Poland is that it's cold and snowing all year round. I suppose I still hold on to this stereotype on some level and am consequently still amazed when it is hot or I see people walking around in summer clothes. Perhaps I am comfortable in winter slippers because I am subconsciously denying the weather.

Furthermore, I spotted a Polish ice-cream van. To my disappointment there is no huge difference between them here and in England. He sold out of the back and did not have the creamy machine ice-cream but that was it. It even had a similar but still annoying ice-cream van tunes to announce his arrival. Not what I was expecting at all.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My brother was a man who was selling ice cream for a while, even in a hot climate he didn't make enough to pay the rent, groceries, etc. Of course, a man and van of ice cream is nice.It was nice to have cash every day, but it just wasn't enough, and he worked 10 hours a day at besides.